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Devin D
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Seeking $ponsorship

What are the numbers?

It's all about CPM (Cost Per Thousand)! Podcast listeners are more loyal than the average visitor. With forums and links to other resources, our viewers come more often and stay longer on our site. That means BETTER impressions for you.

Radio Show

One Million hits per month
92661 pages views in January 2006
Cost per impression = about 1/2 a penny

Over 80,000 people listening every month
9,000 Megabytes a day
Cost per impression = 1/4 of a penny

What do you get?

  1. One 486 X 60 Banner on each page of our site. NOTE: Since we are seeking only ONE sponsor, that means you will have the ONLY ad on this website.
  2. Name and /or product mention at the begining and end of every episode of Kinky Sex Radio, including archived episodes. We have over 80,000 people listening to our show every month and growing.
  3. Prominent display location at all Kinky Sex Radio Remote events and parties. You also get vendor space for free, where applicable. Our parties are great places to demo new products and brand your company in a VERY positive light.
  4. Inclusion in our on-air giveaways and contests. This is the BIG one! Multiple mentions, contests that involve you & your products and then - we give them YOUR PRODUCTS.

The cost?

$300 per month or $1200 for six months. Keep in mind that you'd also be the OFFICAL "KinkySexRadio Show" Sponsor.
If you are interested, CLICK HERE and please include a phone number and the best time of day to call.